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Different Purposes for Outdoor Stones

Outdoor stones can be used for different types of outdoor projects and landscaping projects. These projects include walkways, pathways, driveways, patios, decoration, borders, waterfalls and creek beds.



Flagstone is a very commonly used type of outdoor stone. Flagstone is a heavy, flat stone that comes in colors such as off-white, light pink, pastel, blue, rustic and grey. The main uses for flagstone are walkways, paths and patios.


Crushed Stone

Crushed stone or pebble stone is a small type of stone that can be used as a filler stone for walkways, pathways, garden beds and creek beds, and as a base for other landscaping projects that require crushed stone. Crushed stone is very small and comes in different sizes.


Sandstone or Sandstone Pavers

Sandstone or sandstone pavers come in many different colors. The sandstones are mostly square shaped. Sandstones are great for walkways, pathways, driveways and patios. Sandstones can also be used for the edging around a landscaping project. The flatness of the sandstone and the multiple colors allows for many different uses of the stone.

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